
Blog Post 12

This blog post is about six TED talks: 1. Your Online Life, Permanent as a Tattoo by "Julian Enriquez" 2. The Small and Surprisingly dangerous detail the police track about you by "Catherine Crump" 3. How to avoid surveillance by "Christopher Soghoian" 4. How revenge porn turns life upside down by "Dareith Chisolm" 5. Think your email is private, think again by "Andy Yen" 6. How Tech companies deceive you into giving up your data and privacy by "Finn Lutzow-Holm Myrstad"   All of those TED talks are about media and how the information that you post is public and not safe. Sometimes people get in trouble for posting information that they shouldn't post online. For example, if someone posts a death threat to someone else on social media, they could get in trouble for posting it. There are some thieves who could possibly figure out someone else's password and hack into that person's social media and e...

Blog Post 11

  In my Media, Law, and Literacy class on Tuesday, the whole class was divided into groups of five. Each group did a presentation about different kinds of media. For this blog post I have to write about a topic about something I learned from another team's presentation. One topic that interested me was when a student from group 4 talked about net neutrality. Net neutrality stood out to me. It is where people are able to access all websites on the internet and no websites are blocked. I really like the idea of net neutrality. I do not like it when some websites are blocked and many people not able to use them. Back when I was in High School, I brought my computer to school, and many websites were blocked when I was at school. I was able to access them when I was at home. I am not sure why the websites were blocked. But now that I am in college, High Point University did not block any website, and I am able to access any website whenever I want to.   In conclusion, I really l...

Blog Post 10

  For this blog post, I will be writing about Alternative media. Based on the article Top 10 Alternative Media list by Adam Rosszay, one quote says, "Alternative media are forms of media that differ from the current established mainstream, whether it be by content, format, or distribution." This quote says that alternative media is different from mainstream media. Mainstream media is the media that you see on TV like CNN News, BBC News, NBC News, Fox News, Sky News, etc. Many people get the important news from mainstream media.   Another quote from that article says "In today’s society, anyone can have a platform from the comfort of their own homes, a luxury that was not available before the internet and modern technology. This is a huge benefit, because more people can research news that is important to them without being corrupt, and then spread the word. However, it also leads to an overflow of information, not all of which is high quality." This quote talks ...

Blog Post 9

  This blog post is about what I put on my social media, websites, and many online sources. I do not have any websites besides this blog which has this post and other posts for my Media, Law, and Literacy class. However, I do use Instagram and Snapchat very often, and I rarely use Facebook and Twitter. I use Instagram and Snapchat a lot because many people my age use those two very often. When I use Instagram, I post a lot about sports on my story, but I rarely post pictures on my Instagram for people to like and comment. When I use Snapchat, I do not really post on my Snapchat story that much but I do send pictures to other people to keep a streak going.   Social media makes teens happy most of the time because it keeps them connected to their friends from far away. It is also very distracting to teens because it makes them not pay attention to important things in school. Many students go on social media when they are bored in class. It takes away an opportunity to learn som...

Blog Post 8

  For this blog post, I have to write about an innovation and it has to be something that was invented since 2007. Many social media platforms were invented since 2007 such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. The social media platform I will talk about in this post is snapchat.   Snapchat is a social media platform in which a person sends a picture to another person to communicate with other people. Many middle school, high school, and college use snapchat very often. Snapchat has helped a lot of teens communicate with one another. A person can take a selfie or a picture and send it to a friend to tell them what they are up to.   However, Snapchat has been a problem to people in life. Just like other social media platforms, Snapchat is very addictive to teens and college students. When I was in high school, I saw many of my classmates go on their phones and take a random selfie while the teacher is giving a lecture. Many teens do that when they are bored. Th...

Blog Post 7

  For this blog post, I have to write about one of the eight values of free expression. I chose the sixth value which is "Promote Tolerance." It is about hate speech and how the first amendment protects it. It is very important because people can express their own opinions whether the opinions are positive or negative. But sometimes negative opinions can be offensive to other people. We have to respect other people's opinions even if we don't like them. I think this is very inspiring because it is saying that we have the right to express our own opinions.   It is very underrated because it helps people understand what freedom of speech really means. We all have the freedom to say what we want but sometimes the government can accuse you if it is too offensive. For example, if someone posts a death threat to the president or anyone in the government on social media or on a blog, that person will get in trouble. This is very inspiring because, I learned in my Media, Law...

Blog post 6

  In the class Communications 1450 Media Law and Literacy, I learned about many things. I learned about the first amendment, and how we all have the right to state our own opinions. I also learned about the history about technology and we compared it to how we used it in the olden days with how we use it now. In the olden days, people used different technology than we use now. For example, people used to listen to music through video cassette tapes. Now we stopped listening to cassette tapes and we listen to music through our smartphones and computers. People have the right to post their opinions on social media on social media.   One article I found that was about the first amendment is, " Elizabeth Warren proposes taxing first amendment rights ." In this article, 2020 presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren wants to tax people who are lobbying. I really do not like that idea. It is not fair that she is taxing people who are expressing their own opinions. Everybody has diff...